Who Am I?

Bashir Sakhawarz


Born in Kabul behind mountain walls
I didn’t know
that one day I pack the world under my skin
I will find my shadow in Uganda
my religion in Belize
my name in Kosovo.
Who am I?
And how far would I go?
It was my uncle, not father who named me Bashir, good news
But the journey began
in my mother’s womb
uncle gave me identity much later.
Swimming between love, life and bakery
life was not fun.
Good news?
What good news and for whom?
Nostalgia is not for longing childhood
or the taste of first kiss in love forbidden land
but the smell of moment
when I helped my cousin
to carry sack of wheat to the mill.
Watching grain crushed between heavy stones
I didn’t know life was
wheat to flour
in the stomach of time
turning and turning
reaching the day of elimination
ashes to ashes
dust to dust.

Bashir Sakhawarz

is a

Contributor for Panorama.
