Term: Poetry
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Panorama Prize
Panorama Prize 2024: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places go to Grace Loh Prasad, Devi S. Laskar, and Joelle Renstrom.
Pitch: Thames Symphony
Thames Symphony by Nicolas D. Sampson is a literary fiction novel with elements of London-focused psychogeography. On the one hand, it’s an immersive meditation –...
I When the fires sweep the floor lick the crumbs gorge the feast. When the ribs jut stark skeletal, a scaffolding of scorched tree spines...
A forest floor self portrait I retreat in primordial wet and slide out with the sun. Of makings and markings and moments of mercy how...
Tropical Delight
Do you remember the night she danced in a red pa’u skirt with a silver clip of starlight in her black hair? Torch Gingers kindled the sky; into...
the evening
the evening, ornamental nightfall a thing of remarkable fire
Self-Portrait Gestalt
shamanwoman poetturtle greenvagabond riverlakeoceanheart If she does not swirl into fire, she will be your friendloversoul
Keep your heart good and forgive me, I did not know where I was. Sometimes there’s just no cliff or landmark of danger. Sometimes you bow before...
Postcards from the Mouth of the Inferno
Months after the last spark is stomped out Lennon and I drive up the Poudre Canyon amidst the stretches of scar tissue. This is what...
Pine Barrens
A June wildfire bruises the sky: 12,000 acres of pines choke and I stand in the drive catching specks of ash in my palm. We...
I say watch the birds flicker, when the sun begins to ease over the horizon. And you say, look at the reflection of pines, over...
The night, a thicket. The sailors lean their mast Towards the flames that ring the mountain. A leopard’s glowing spots, a celestial map, A trail...
Exploding into a Fantastic Geography
a crossroads is a place you can’t help but come to and can’t help but leave from where Papa Legba sets up his diasporic shop a man could...
Embroidering Maps of Return
In a still solitary, now toilet-less cell, but with real pacing room, the relative freedom facilitates clearer thinking. My mind is on fire
Before the Fire Dies
the shore of Van Auken Lake is everything but quiet. our voices melt together in the crackle & gathered buzz
Fingers Stretched Out Towards The Sun
In Green Unpleasant Land: Creative Responses to Rural England’s Colonial Connections (2020), postcolonial literary scholar Corinne Fowler named Louisa Adjoa Parker along with other writers...
Issue 13: Fire
Welcome to Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature’s 13th edition, on the theme of ‘fire.’ Fire: /ˈfʌɪə/ origin: Old English fȳr (noun), fȳrian...
This Car-Centric City Makes Me Dream Of Third Places
the dream: – there is a café: — Its façade: a verdant ivy waterfall calling souls to seek solace from the urban hustle welcomes humans...
The City
I aborted one, then another. Legs splayed to a darkened sky, the city is hollow, cavernous, a mother buried with dead-born child. I popped a...
Philadelphia: A Ghazal
I never noticed a sound in my childhood room in Philadelphia, not the horn-blaring, teenage screaming, razzle-dazzle nighttime streets of Philadelphia. I slept deeply in...
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