Panorama: From the Greek words pan, meaning all, and horama, meaning view.
Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature is a British literary journal, with a modern focus on travel literature, art, and photography.
We are panoramic.
A panorama is not only what you see in your immediate surroundings. It is also the half-glimpsed, but unprocessed, scenes at the periphery of your vision, an unbroken view. Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature exists to draw attention to every part of the scene, so that we are able to see and hear the images and voices excluded from the conventional, narrow travel narrative. It is an opportunity for us to broaden our horizons, and thus to better understand, and appreciate, the world in which we live.
We are modern storytellers.
Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature is a visionary effort to bring travel writing into a new age. We publish fresh perspectives in evocative prose. We are modern. We are rebels. We are storytellers who aim to inform and change the landscape of travel writing and photography by celebrating, questioning, and broadening what came before us.
We are internationalists.
We believe that stories and images which show our world should be created by writers and photographers throughout that world. Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature aims to bring a wide worldview to our readers, by gathering a collective of writers, photographers and creatives with varying backgrounds, ethnicities, voices, and identities for each issue, from the well-known to the unheard. A single narrative is but a brush stroke on a page: a painting requires many brushstrokes to show the Technicolor wonder of a place. No one voice is definitive: our rich understanding comes from the synthesis of many.
We are changing the face of travel.
Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature appears online in three issues a year, all accessed easily by readers anywhere in the world: all content is free. We nominate for international awards, such as the Caine Prize, the O Henry Prize, the Millions, the Pushcart Prize, and many more. Our inaugural issue was published in September 2016. In addition, we plan to launch the first of our print anthologies in 2023/24. The first of these will be the Voices of East Africa edition, featuring travel writing by East Africans and East African diaspora. Details about this special issue will follow here, and for general submissions and guidelines for the print and online issues, visit Submissions. We charge no submission fee, and believe in fair access to all writers worldwide
To stay up to speed on our latest pieces, calls for submissions and related events, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you’d like to work with us to change the travel writing landscape, check out Positions Open and Partner with Us–we are always looking for talents, literary organizations, and publications to give more agency to voices worldwide.
We welcome you to the Panorama community, whether you are a reader, contributor, or partner. Thank you for helping us make our mission possible.