Term: New Nature Writing
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The only way I could leave California was to trick myself with a promise to return. I made my vow in Tuolumne Meadows, part of Yosemite...
Death by Fox, Cow or River? Suburbanite in the Yorkshire Countryside
Who’s there? From my house’s mustardy Picasso face, I peer sleepily in the morning through one of its offset eyes. I’m trying to motivate myself...
Growing up on two acres next to a lake in upstate New York, I spent many hours outside. Pretending there was quicksand in the reeds,...
A World Burning with Life: On Zoe Schlanger’s The Light Eaters
Back in the 1970s, a book called The Secret Life of Plants exploded onto The NY Times bestseller list, and ironically, set the field of...
Issue 13: Fire
Welcome to Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature’s 13th edition, on the theme of ‘fire.’ Fire: /ˈfʌɪə/ origin: Old English fȳr (noun), fȳrian...
In Company With Spiders
Most of the spiders living in the house that I share with my husband and our terrier are the small-bodied, long-legged variety. They station themselves...
Water Killed My Grandpa!
Sometimes, I go back to the past when my grandparents used to wander the great landscapes of the Sahara. Before colonialism, my people would take...
Issue 12: Cities
Welcome to Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature’s 12th edition. In this issue, we present work on the theme of ‘cities,’ whether in...
A Meditation on Japanese Gardens
Perfectly trimmed pines, cherry blossom petals meticulously swept from beds of moss, frolicking forbidden: public gardens in Japan got me thinking. What do our gardens...
Desert: Southern California and the Sahara
This memoir documents my anxiety—from preteen to adulthood—about desertification in Southern California and the Sahel. My feelings highlight how the natural environment can create a...
Ten Years after Typhoon Haiyan, I Forgot to Tweet about the Disaster
This essay reflects upon my work aiding recovery and interrogates humanitarian work after the Super Typhoon Haiyan disaster in the Philippines, my home country. It...
Seaweed Project
Slippery and glistening, merely one cell in thickness, the kelp throbs with life, clinging on tight to the rocks even with the waves thumping against...
Half a Year at Hollow Marsh
What can the arrival of three semi-wild ponies to a splinter of Somerset show us about the need to slow down, smell the hayfields and...
Stations of the Sun
Performing in Edinburgh’s world-renowned annual ritual theatre show, the Beltane Fire Festival in the mid-90s with a new tattoo of a Pictish Boar on my...
When a Prickly Fruit Becomes the Heartbeat of a Community
My identity is all-embracing. It embraces my hometown trees rustling, the birds visiting my window each morning, and the prickly pear cactus picked, and served...
One Night in Mexico
It is easy to spot the large shell of a loggerhead turtle as she emerges from the white surf of this picture-perfect beach. She begins...
Reading is an Ecological Act
The quiet, gentle, sometimes solitary but never lonely act of reading is one of the most radical actions one can take in the modern age....
Issue 11: Ecology
Welcome to Panorama’s 11th edition. In this issue we turn our attention to ecology—from the word’s earliest roots to present-day ecologies which span people, organisms,...
Sitka Abecedarian
This lyric essay and prose abecedarian invites you to navigate the tensions between a writer’s impulse to know and to name a place and its...
Cradle Dreaming
There wasn’t much sunlight filtering in but the place still felt like the inside of a cathedral—not only the soaring ceilings and brilliant colours like...
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