Term: submissions
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Thousands of people make Panorama Journal possible. Each issue, work by the masthead is complemented a number of guest contributors. See all contributors to our...
In this issue we have work from India, Nigeria, Philippines, Israel, Netherlands, UK, USA, Brazil, South Korea, Thailand, Germany, Italy, and more. In many ways...
Panorama is open for submissions to Poetry, Fiction (Travel and Flash Fiction), Nonfiction (General and Speculative, Travel Flash, Memoir, New Nature Writing, Decolonising Travel, Eaten/Gastronomy,...
Contact the Panorama team
We aim to redefine who travels and what travel looks like, as well as to reshape the kinds of journeys–whether real or imagined–that can be...
Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature is a British literary journal, with a modern focus on travel literature, art, and photography.