Primal Sound

Lois P. Jones


             is metaphor        for        silence

our recollection

             We are unable
             to translate             boundaries – 

the pale land of distant stars

             we arrived           from
             Our bodies hold

the suitcase of one life

             We return 
             to the wax recording

of the child             

             until Death leaves              us
             in its long silence

There is no disc which plays

             the crown sutures
             of our skulls

No diamond stylus to press

             into the trembling grooves
             of memory

After reading Rilke’s Essay on Primal Sound.

Lois P. Jones

is a

Guest Contributor for Panorama.

Lois P. Jones won the 2023 Alpine Fellowship which this year takes place in Fjällnäs, Sweden. In 2022, she was a finalist in the Mslexia Poetry Competition judged by Helen Mort and the 2022 Best Spiritual Literature Award in Poetry from Orison Books. Her work was anthologized in the 2021 Bridport Poetry Prize collection. Other honors include the Bristol Poetry Prize, the Tiferet Poetry Prize and winning finalist for the Terrain Poetry contest judged by Jane Hirshfield. Jones has work published or forthcoming in the Academy of American Poets – Poem A Day, Poetry Wales, Plume, Guernica Editions, Verse Daily, Narrative and elsewhere.

