Gares Poétiques/Estaciones Poéticas/Poetic Stations

Meg Muthupandiyan

(Wisconsin's Great Lakes region)

I. À Massy Palaiseau
Paris, 2012

Farther down the platform
a woman stands
within a black burqua,
a thin gold watch
shimmering on her wrist.

She may be the last word
the poet seeks —
her shifting shapelessness
strangely becoming,
a world
of intimation.

II. Estación de Santiago
Santiago de Compostela, 2014

After the drunken man
is carried off the train
it continues its blind climb
into the night —

Swaying unsteady
as the hand of the poet,
unsure of the path
of her words
in the dark.

III. Deep Friendship
Fisterra, 2017

Outside the Autoservicios
a dog is tied up,
in search of its master.

Its cries are sharp
as a rock in the heel,
the tender sliver
of longing.

They bloom wild and azure —
blue as the morning glories
covering the steel roof across
the street —
mounting one another
in perfect desire
for the sky.

Meg Muthupandiyan

is a

Guest Contributor for Panorama.

Meg Muthupandiyan is a pilgrim poet who is most at home when she is walking the world. Meg’s poems, illustrations, photographs, and nature essays have appeared in over thirty journals and anthologies. Her poetry volume Of the Earth and Other Desires was awarded the John Rezmerski Poetry Award and will be published in 2024, and her illuminated poetry volume, Forty Days in the Wilderness, Wandering, was published in 2021. Connect with her at
