Love in an RV

Sunday Dutro


My husband understands an RV will allow us the getaways he needs without sacrificing my presence, a person who wants to be with him but not if it means leaving home. He knows me, he sees me, he’s brilliant. It is wonderful to be me with him, no need to be the not-me someone else might require. He could have spent days, weeks, lifetimes, arguing with me over the need to experience new places, people, things; cajoling me to get over myself. Instead, we see everything and sacrifice nothing. We’re happy travelling the States, at home every night in our own bed. It is not too much to ask of love and I could do this forever. Life inside this box, a testament to thinking outside of one. We consider selling everything, going full-time. Even with kids we could do this. There is plenty of room for more love, even in 19 square metres.

Sunday Dutro

is a

Guest Contributor for Panorama.

Sunday Dutro is a creative nonfiction writer with publications in or forthcoming with Bear Paw Arts Journal, Panorama Journal, and Paper Dragon. She is a Writing By Writers Manuscript Boot-Camp and Haven I Writing Retreat alum and lives in Montana with her husband, children, dogs, cats, and chickens. She is actively working on a memoir. Find her at
