
Mariam Ahmed



Ode to Our Cocoon

I love that moment
between space & time — we float
in our own cocoon

Ode to Dreams of You

I saw you in a
dream — my favourite part of
the day is sleep now

Ode to a Shared Pillow

It’s the song you play
We lay on the floor sharing
a pillow & warmth

Ode to Silence

& when we sit like
this, side by side in silence
the world feels serene

Ode to Counting

how many ways to
say I love you — I’ll count &
tell them all with stars


Ode to Romantics

it could happen: a
beautiful phrase uttered by
dreaming romantics

Ode to Possibility

missed? no — what’s meant to be is
not fickle, fleeting

Ode to Your Pen

does your pen move with
thoughts of me flowing down your
heartfelt fingertips?

Ode to Lips

my lips have over
a million nerve endings &
you’re on every one

Ode to Feathers

I share with you: songs
& books, touches & soft looks —
feathers flown away

Mariam Ahmed

is a

Guest Contributor for Panorama.

Mariam Ahmed is a Californian poet. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in English Literature with a minor in Sociology from the University of California, Davis, followed by an MFA in Poetry from San Diego State University. Mariam currently lives in San Diego, CA, where she visits the ocean often to write poems in the sand.

